Our Scope

Formally established in May 1980, ASPAB aims to promote, develop and assist the study of, or an interest in, phycology (the study of macro- and micro-algae such as seaweeds and phytoplankton) and aquatic botany (the study of aquatic plants) within Australasia and elsewhere.



Our Members

We draw members mainly from Australia and New Zealand, but welcome anyone who has an interest in the biology of photosynthetic aquatic organisms in this part of the world. ASPAB members work on aquatic organisms from microalgae to macroalgae, and from freshwater to marine environments.


Newsletter & Mailing List

ASPAB produces a biannual newsletter featuring relevant news and events for the phycology community. You can also join the mailing list to keep up to date. 

Join us

ASPAB membership is available for anybody with an interest in any aspect of phycology and aquatic botany. Please join us today.

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